Broome's amazing turquoise waters and intensely coloured red earth is the perfect gateway to the magnificent Kimberley, Australia's last Great Wilderness Frontier, many find hard to resist.
Please share your Kimberley adventure,we'd love to hear your story.
Call 08 9192 0999 or book online
Blue Seas Resort, Cable Beach Broome, where else?
Bucket list worthy!

The Staircase to the Moon is a natural phenomenon observed in Broome Western Australia between April and October only. It is caused by the rising of a full moon reflecting on the exposed mudflats at extremely low tide creating a beautiful optical illusion of a staircase reaching up to the moon.
The Staircase Markets are held at the Town Beach Reserve on Robinson Street over the two nights of the full moon April – October. Wander around the colourful local stalls under the stars, sample the tastes of Broome cuisine, listen to local live music and take in the spectacular Staircase to the Moon.
Next dates
September: Tue 25th, Wed 26th, Thur 27th
October: Thur 25th, Fri 26th
Call 08 9192 0999 or book online
Blue Seas Resort, Cable Beach Broome, where else?
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what EMOJIs are you?

Have a bit of fun and comment what EMOJIs you are...ours are ☀️😎
Happy sunny days from Blue Seas Resort,
Cable Beach Broome, where else?
Call 08 9192 0999 or book online
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Happy sunny days from Blue Seas Resort,
Cable Beach Broome, where else?
Call 08 9192 0999 or book online
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